
How to Change the Index HTML in Nginx: A Beginner’s Expedition

In this guide, we’ll delve into the process of changing the index HTML file in Nginx. The index HTML file is the default file served when a user visits a website. By altering this file, you can customize your website’s content and appearance. As we walk through the steps to modify the Nginx index HTML in Kubernetes with configmap, we’ll first gain an understanding of the Nginx configuration file and its location. Then, we’ll learn how to locate and modify the index HTML file. Let’s dive in!

Understanding the Nginx Configuration File.

The Nginx configuration file is where you can specify various settings and directives for your server. This file is crucial for the operation of your Nginx server. It’s typically located at /etc/nginx/nginx.conf, but the location can vary depending on your specific Nginx setup.

Locating the Index HTML File

The index HTML file is the default file that Nginx serves when a user accesses a website. It’s usually located in the root directory of the website. To find the location of the index HTML file, check the Nginx configuration file for the root directive. This directive specifies the root directory of the website. Once you’ve located the root directory, the index HTML file is typically named index.html or index.htm. It’s important to note that the location of the index HTML file may vary depending on the specific Nginx configuration.

server {
    listen 80;
    root /var/www/html;
    location / {
        try_files $uri $uri/ =404;

if the root directive is not immediately visible within the main nginx.conf file, it’s often because it resides in a separate configuration file. These files are typically found in the conf.d or sites-enabled directories. Such a structure allows for cleaner and more organized management of different websites or domains hosted on a single server. By separating them, Nginx can apply specific settings to each site, including the location of its index HTML file.

user www-data;
worker_processes auto;
pid /run/;
include /etc/nginx/modules-enabled/*.conf;

events {
    worker_connections 768;
    # multi_accept on;

http {
    # Basic Settings
    sendfile on;
    tcp_nopush on;
    tcp_nodelay on;
    keepalive_timeout 65;
    types_hash_max_size 2048;
    include /etc/nginx/mime.types;
    default_type application/octet-stream;

    # SSL Settings
    ssl_protocols TLSv1 TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2; # Dropping SSLv3, ref: POODLE
    ssl_prefer_server_ciphers on;

    # Logging Settings
    access_log /var/log/nginx/access.log;
    error_log /var/log/nginx/error.log;

    # Gzip Settings
    gzip on;
    gzip_disable "msie6";

    # Virtual Host Configs
    include /etc/nginx/conf.d/*.conf;
    include /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/*;

Editing the Nginx Configuration File

To edit the Nginx configuration file, follow these steps:

  1. Open the terminal or command prompt.
  2. Navigate to the directory where the Nginx configuration file is located.
  3. Use a text editor to open the configuration file (e.g., sudo nano nginx.conf).
  4. Make the necessary changes to the file, such as modifying the server block or adding new location blocks.
  5. Save the changes and exit the text editor.
  6. Test the configuration file for syntax errors by running sudo nginx -t.
  7. If there are no errors, reload the Nginx service to apply the changes (e.g., sudo systemctl reload nginx).

Remember to back up the configuration file before making any changes, and double-check the syntax to avoid any errors. If you encounter any issues, refer to the Nginx documentation or seek assistance from the Nginx community.

Modifying the Index HTML File

To modify the index HTML file in Nginx, follow these steps:

  1. Locate the index HTML file in your Nginx configuration directory.
  2. Open the index HTML file in a text editor.
  3. Make the necessary changes to the HTML code.
  4. Save the file and exit the text editor

Common Questions:

  1. Where can I find the configuration file for Nginx?
    • Look for the Nginx configuration file at /etc/nginx/nginx.conf.
  2. Is it possible to relocate the index HTML file within Nginx?
    • Indeed, by altering the Nginx configuration file, you can shift the index HTML file’s location.
  3. What steps should I follow to modify the Nginx configuration file?
    • Utilize a text editor like nano or vim to make edits to the Nginx configuration file.
  4. Where does Nginx usually store the index HTML file by default?
    • Nginx generally keeps the index HTML file in the /usr/share/nginx/html directory.
  5. Am I able to edit the index HTML file directly?
    • Absolutely, you have the ability to update the index HTML file with a text editor.
  6. Should I restart Nginx to apply new configurations?
    • Restarting Nginx is required to activate any new configuration changes.

The Practicality of Mastery in Nginx Configuration

Understanding the nginx.conf file isn’t just academic—it’s a vital skill for real-world applications. Whether you’re deploying a simple blog or a complex microservices architecture with Kubernetes, the need to tweak nginx.conf surfaces frequently. For instance, when securing communications with SSL/TLS, you’ll dive into this file to point Nginx to your certificates. Or perhaps you’re optimizing performance; here too, nginx.conf holds the keys to tweaking file caching and client connection limits.

It’s in scenarios like setting up a reverse proxy or handling multiple domains where mastering nginx.conf moves from being useful to being essential. By mastering the location and editing of the index HTML file, you empower yourself to respond dynamically to the needs of your site and your audience. So, take the helm, customize confidently, and remember that each change is a step towards a more tailored and efficient web experience.

Understanding Kubernetes RBAC: Safeguarding Your Cluster

Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) stands as a cornerstone for securing and managing access within the Kubernetes ecosystem. Think of Kubernetes as a bustling city, with myriad services, pods, and nodes acting like different entities within it. Just like a city needs a comprehensive system to manage who can access what – be it buildings, resources, or services – Kubernetes requires a robust mechanism to control access to its numerous resources. This is where RBAC comes into play.

RBAC is not just a security feature; it’s a fundamental framework that helps maintain order and efficiency in Kubernetes’ complex environments. It’s akin to a sophisticated security system, ensuring that only authorized individuals have access to specific areas, much like keycard access in a high-security building. In Kubernetes, these “keycards” are roles and permissions, meticulously defined and assigned to users or groups.

This system is vital in a landscape where operations are distributed and responsibilities are segmented. RBAC allows granular control over who can do what, which is crucial in a multi-tenant environment. Without RBAC, managing permissions would be akin to leaving the doors of a secure facility unlocked, potentially leading to unauthorized access and chaos.

At its core, Kubernetes RBAC revolves around a few key concepts: defining roles with specific permissions, assigning these roles to users or groups, and ensuring that access rights are precisely tailored to the needs of the cluster. This ensures that operations within the Kubernetes environment are not only secure but also efficient and streamlined.

By embracing RBAC, organizations step into a realm of enhanced security, where access is not just controlled but intelligently managed. It’s a journey from a one-size-fits-all approach to a customized, role-based strategy that aligns with the diverse and dynamic needs of Kubernetes clusters. In the following sections, we’ll delve deeper into the intricacies of RBAC, unraveling its layers and revealing how it fortifies Kubernetes environments against security threats while facilitating smooth operational workflows.

User Accounts vs. Service Accounts in RBAC: A unique aspect of Kubernetes RBAC is its distinction between user accounts (human users or groups) and service accounts (software resources). This broad approach to defining “subjects” in RBAC policies is different from many other systems that primarily focus on human users.

Flexible Resource Definitions: RBAC in Kubernetes is notable for its flexibility in defining resources, which can include pods, logs, ingress controllers, or custom resources. This is in contrast to more restrictive systems that manage predefined resource types.

Roles and ClusterRoles: RBAC differentiates between Roles, which are namespace-specific, and ClusterRoles, which apply to the entire cluster. This distinction allows for more granular control of permissions within namespaces and broader control at the cluster level.

  • Role Example: A Role in the “default” namespace granting read access to pods:
kind: Role
  namespace: default
  name: pod-reader
- apiGroups: [""]
  resources: ["pods"]
  verbs: ["get", "watch", "list"]
  • ClusterRole Example: A ClusterRole granting read access to secrets across all namespaces:
kind: ClusterRole
  name: secret-reader
- apiGroups: [""]
  resources: ["secrets"]
  verbs: ["get", "watch", "list"]

Managing Permissions with Verbs:

In Kubernetes RBAC, the concept of “verbs” is pivotal to how access controls are defined and managed. These verbs are essentially the actions that can be performed on resources within the Kubernetes environment. Unlike traditional access control systems that may offer a binary allow/deny model, Kubernetes RBAC verbs introduce a nuanced and highly granular approach to defining permissions.

Understanding Verbs in RBAC:

  1. Core Verbs:
    • Get: Allows reading a specific resource.
    • List: Permits listing all instances of a resource.
    • Watch: Enables watching changes to a particular resource.
    • Create: Grants the ability to create new instances of a resource.
    • Update: Provides permission to modify existing resources.
    • Patch: Similar to update, but for making partial changes.
    • Delete: Allows the removal of specific resources.
  2. Extended Verbs:
    • Exec: Permits executing commands in a container.
    • Bind: Enables linking a role to specific subjects.

Practical Application of Verbs:

The power of verbs in RBAC lies in their ability to define precisely what a user or a service account can do with each resource. For example, a role that includes the “get,” “list,” and “watch” verbs for pods would allow a user to view pods and receive updates about changes to them but would not permit the user to create, update, or delete pods.

Customizing Access with Verbs:

This system allows administrators to tailor access rights at a very detailed level. For instance, in a scenario where a team needs to monitor deployments but should not change them, their role can include verbs like “get,” “list,” and “watch” for deployments, but exclude “create,” “update,” or “delete.”

Flexibility and Security:

This flexibility is crucial for maintaining security in a Kubernetes environment. By assigning only the necessary permissions, administrators can adhere to the principle of least privilege, reducing the risk of unauthorized access or accidental modifications.

Verbs and Scalability:

Moreover, verbs in Kubernetes RBAC make the system scalable. As the complexity of the environment grows, administrators can continue to manage permissions effectively by defining roles with the appropriate combination of verbs, tailored to the specific needs of users and services.

RBAC Best Practices: Implementing RBAC effectively involves understanding and applying best practices, such as ensuring least privilege, regularly auditing and reviewing RBAC settings, and understanding the implications of role bindings within and across namespaces.

Real-World Use Case: Imagine a scenario where an organization needs to limit developers’ access to specific namespaces for deploying applications while restricting access to other cluster areas. By defining appropriate Roles and RoleBindings, Kubernetes RBAC allows precise control over what developers can do, significantly enhancing both security and operational efficiency.

The Synergy of RBAC and ServiceAccounts in Kubernetes Security

In the realm of Kubernetes, RBAC is not merely a feature; it’s the backbone of access management, playing a crucial role in maintaining a secure and efficient operation. However, to fully grasp the essence of Kubernetes security, one must understand the synergy between RBAC and ServiceAccounts.

Understanding ServiceAccounts:

ServiceAccounts in Kubernetes are pivotal for automating processes within the cluster. They are special kinds of accounts used by applications and pods, as opposed to human operators. Think of ServiceAccounts as robot users – automated entities performing specific tasks in the Kubernetes ecosystem. These tasks range from running a pod to managing workloads or interacting with the Kubernetes API.

The Role of ServiceAccounts in RBAC:

Where RBAC is the rulebook defining what can be done, ServiceAccounts are the players acting within those rules. RBAC policies can be applied to ServiceAccounts, thereby regulating the actions these automated players can take. For example, a ServiceAccount tied to a pod can be granted permissions through RBAC to access certain resources within the cluster, ensuring that the pod operates within the bounds of its designated privileges.

Integrating ServiceAccounts with RBAC:

Integrating ServiceAccounts with RBAC allows Kubernetes administrators to assign specific roles to automated processes, thereby providing a nuanced and secure access control system. This integration ensures that not only are human users regulated, but also that automated processes adhere to the same stringent security protocols.

Practical Applications. The CI/CD Pipeline:

In a Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) pipeline, tasks like code deployment, automated testing, and system monitoring are integral. These tasks are often automated and run within the Kubernetes environment. The challenge lies in ensuring these automated processes have the necessary permissions to perform their functions without compromising the security of the Kubernetes cluster.

Role of ServiceAccounts:

  1. Automated Task Execution: ServiceAccounts are perfect for CI/CD pipelines. Each part of the pipeline, be it a deployment process or a testing suite, can have its own ServiceAccount. This ensures that the permissions are tightly scoped to the needs of each task.
  2. Specific Permissions: For instance, a ServiceAccount for a deployment tool needs permissions to update pods and services, while a monitoring tool’s ServiceAccount might only need to read pod metrics and log data.

Applying RBAC for Fine-Grained Control:

  • Defining Roles: With RBAC, specific roles can be created for different stages of the CI/CD pipeline. These roles define precisely what operations are permissible by the ServiceAccount associated with each stage.
  • Example Role for Deployment: A role for the deployment stage may include verbs like ‘create’, ‘update’, and ‘delete’ for resources such as pods and deployments.
kind: Role
  namespace: deployment
  name: deployment-manager
- apiGroups: ["apps", ""]
  resources: ["deployments", "pods"]
  verbs: ["create", "update", "delete"]
  • Binding Roles to ServiceAccounts: Each role is then bound to the appropriate ServiceAccount, ensuring that the permissions align with the task’s requirements.
kind: RoleBinding
  name: deployment-manager-binding
  namespace: deployment
- kind: ServiceAccount
  name: deployment-service-account
  namespace: deployment
  kind: Role
  name: deployment-manager
  • Isolation and Security: This setup not only isolates each task’s permissions but also minimizes the risk of a security breach. If a part of the pipeline is compromised, the attacker has limited permissions, confined to a specific role and namespace.

Enhancing CI/CD Security:

  1. Least Privilege Principle: The principle of least privilege is effectively enforced. Each ServiceAccount has only the permissions necessary to perform its designated task, nothing more.
  2. Audit and Compliance: The explicit nature of RBAC roles and ServiceAccount bindings makes it easier to audit and ensure compliance with security policies.
  3. Streamlined Operations: Administrators can manage and update permissions as the pipeline evolves, ensuring that the CI/CD processes remain efficient and secure.

The Harmony of Automation and Security:

In conclusion, the combination of RBAC and ServiceAccounts forms a harmonious balance between automation and security in Kubernetes. This synergy ensures that every action, whether performed by a human or an automated process, is under the purview of meticulously defined permissions. It’s a testament to Kubernetes’ foresight in creating an ecosystem where operational efficiency and security go hand in hand.

How API Gateways Connect Our Digital World

Imagine you’re in a bustling city center, a place alive with activity. In every direction, people are communicating, buying, selling, and exchanging ideas. It’s vibrant and exciting, but without something to organize the chaos, it would quickly become overwhelming. This is where an API Gateway steps in, not as a towering overseer, but as a friendly guide, making sure everyone gets where they’re going quickly and safely.

What’s an API Gateway, Anyway?

Think of an API Gateway like the concierge at a grand hotel. Guests come from all over the world, speaking different languages and seeking various services. The concierge understands each request and directs guests to the exact services they need, from the restaurant to the gym, to the conference rooms.

In the digital world, our applications and devices are the guests, and the API Gateway is the concierge. It’s the front door to the hotel of microservices, ensuring that each request from your phone or computer is directed to the right service at lightning speed.

Why Do We Need API Gateways?

As our digital needs have evolved, so have the systems that meet them. We’ve moved from monolithic architectures to microservices, smaller, more specialized programs that work together to create the applications we use every day. But with so many microservices involved, we needed a way to streamline communication. Enter the API Gateway, providing a single point of entry that routes each request to the right service.

The Benefits of a Good API Gateway

The best API Gateways do more than just direct traffic; they enhance our experiences. They offer:

  • Security: Like a bouncer at a club, they check IDs at the door, ensuring only the right people get in.
  • Performance: They’re like the traffic lights on the internet highway, ensuring data flows smoothly and quickly, without jams.
  • Simplicity: For developers, they simplify the process of connecting services, much like a translator makes it easier to understand a foreign language.

API Gateways in the Cloud

Today, the big players in the cloud—Amazon, Microsoft, and Google—each offer their own API Gateways, tailored to work seamlessly with their other services. They’re like the top-tier concierges in the world’s most exclusive hotels, offering bespoke services that cater to their guests’ every need.

In the clouds where digital titans play, API Gateways have taken on distinct personas:

  • Amazon API Gateway: A versatile tool in AWS, it provides a robust, scalable platform to create, publish, maintain, and secure APIs. With AWS, you can manage traffic, control access, monitor operations, and ensure consistent application responses with ease.
  • Azure API Management: Azure’s offering is a composite solution that not only routes traffic but also provides insights with analytics, protects with security policies, and aids in creating a developer-friendly ecosystem with developer portals.
  • Google Cloud Endpoints: Google’s entrant facilitates the deployment and management of APIs on Google Cloud, offering tools to scale with your traffic and to integrate seamlessly with Google’s own services.

What About the Technical Stuff?

While it’s true that API Gateways operate at the technical layer 7 of the OSI model, dealing with the application layer where the content of the communication is king, you don’t need to worry about that. Just know that they’re built to understand the language of the internet and translate it into action.

A Digital Conductor

Just like a conductor standing at the helm of an orchestra, baton in hand, ready to guide a multitude of instruments through a complex musical piece, the API Gateway orchestrates a cacophony of services to deliver a seamless digital experience. It’s the unseen maestro, ensuring that each microservice plays its part at the precise moment, harmonizing the backend functionality that powers the apps and websites we use every day.

In the digital concert hall, when you click ‘buy’ on an online store, it’s the API Gateway that conducts the ‘cart service’ to update with your new items, signals the ‘user profile service’ to retrieve your saved shipping address, and cues the ‘payment service’ to process your transaction. It does all this in the blink of an eye, a performance so flawless that we, the audience, remain blissfully unaware of the complexity behind the curtain.

The API Gateway’s baton moves with grace, directing the ‘search service’ to fetch real-time results as you type in a query, integrating with the ‘inventory service’ to check for stock, even as it leads the ‘recommendation engine’ to suggest items tailored just for you. It’s a symphony of interactions that feels instantaneous, a testament to the conductor’s skill at synchronizing a myriad of backend instruments.

But the impact of the API Gateway extends beyond mere convenience. It’s about reliability and trust in the digital spaces we inhabit. As we navigate websites, stream videos, or engage with social media, the API Gateway ensures that our data is routed securely, our privacy is protected, and the services we rely on are available around the clock. It’s the guardian of uptime, the protector of performance, and the enforcer of security protocols.

So, as you enjoy the intuitive interfaces of your favorite online platforms, remember the silent maestro working tirelessly behind the scenes. The API Gateway doesn’t seek applause or recognition. Instead, it remains content in knowing that with every successful request, with every page loaded without a hitch, with every smooth transaction, it has played its role in making your digital experiences richer, more secure, and effortlessly reliable—one request at a time.

When we marvel at how technology has simplified our lives, let’s take a moment to appreciate these digital conductors, the API Gateways, for they are the unsung heroes in the grand performance of the internet, enabling the symphony of services that resonate through our connected world.

Exploring the Differences Between Forward and Reverse Proxies

Imagine yourself in a bustling marketplace, where messages are constantly exchanged. This is the internet, and in this world, proxies act as vital intermediaries. Today, we’ll unravel the mystery behind two key players in this digital marketplace: Forward Proxy and Reverse Proxy.

Forward Proxy: The Discreet Messenger

Let’s start with the Forward Proxy. Picture a scenario from college days: a friend attending class on your behalf, a concept known as “proxy attendance.” This analogy fits perfectly here. In the digital realm, a Forward Proxy acts on behalf of a client or a group of clients. When these clients send requests to a server, the Forward Proxy intervenes. It’s like sending your friend to fetch information from a library without the librarian knowing who originally requested it.

In practical terms, Forward Proxies have several applications:

  1. Privacy and Anonymity: Just as your friend in the classroom shields your identity, a Forward Proxy hides the client’s identity from the internet.
  2. Content Filtering: Imagine a guardian filtering what books you receive from your friend. Similarly, Forward Proxies can restrict access to certain websites within a network.
  3. Caching: If many students need the same book, your friend doesn’t ask the librarian each time. Instead, they distribute copies they already have. Likewise, Forward Proxies can cache frequently requested content for quicker delivery.

Reverse Proxy: The Gatekeeper of Servers

Now, let’s turn the tables and talk about the Reverse Proxy. Here, the proxy is no longer representing the clients but the servers. Think of a popular author who, instead of dealing directly with each reader, hires an assistant. This assistant, the Reverse Proxy, manages incoming requests, deciding who gets access to the author and who doesn’t.

Reverse Proxies serve several vital functions:

  1. Load Balancing: Just as an assistant might direct queries to different departments, a Reverse Proxy distributes incoming traffic across multiple servers, ensuring no single server gets overwhelmed.
  2. Security: Serving as a protective barrier, it shields the servers from direct exposure to the internet, much like a bodyguard screens people approaching the author.
  3. Caching and Compression: Just as an assistant might summarize the contents of a letter for the author, Reverse Proxies can cache and compress data for efficient communication.

The Two Faces of Proxy

While both, Forward and Reverse Proxies deal with the flow of information, they serve different masters and have distinct roles in the digital marketplace. Forward Proxies protect the identity of clients and manage client-side requests and content. In contrast, Reverse Proxies manage and protect server-side interests, offering load balancing, enhanced security, and efficient content delivery.

Understanding these two types of proxies, we can appreciate the intricate dance of data and requests that keep the internet running smoothly, much like a well-orchestrated symphony where each musician plays their part to perfection.

Security in Proxy Requests: Authenticated Requests and JWT

When discussing proxies, it’s crucial to address how they handle security, particularly in terms of authenticated requests. This aspect is pivotal in understanding the nuances of both Forward and Reverse Proxies.

Forward Proxy and Security

In a Forward Proxy setup, the proxy acts as an intermediary for the client’s requests. Think of it as a middleman who not only delivers your message but also ensures its confidentiality. When it comes to authenticated requests, such as logging into a secure service like email, the Forward Proxy passes on the authentication credentials like cookies or JWTs along with the request.

This process ensures that the server recognizes the request as authentic, but it does so without revealing the client’s actual identity. It’s akin to sending a trusted messenger with your ID card – the recipient knows it’s your message but doesn’t see you delivering it.

Reverse Proxy and Security

On the flip side, the Reverse Proxy deals with incoming requests to a server. Here, security takes a front seat. The Reverse Proxy can scrutinize each request, ensuring it meets security protocols before it reaches the server. This can include checking JWTs, which are a compact means of representing claims to be transferred between two parties.

By validating these JWTs, the Reverse Proxy ensures that only authenticated requests reach the server. This setup is like a vigilant gatekeeper, ensuring that only those with verified invitations (JWTs) can attend the party (access the server).

Ensuring Secure Communication

Both Forward and Reverse Proxies play a significant role in securing communications. While the Forward Proxy focuses on preserving client anonymity even in authenticated requests, the Reverse Proxy safeguards the server by vetting incoming requests. By incorporating JWT and other authentication mechanisms, these proxies ensure that the dance of data across the internet is not just smooth but also secure.

DevOps or a Different Path?

The world of technology is ever-evolving, with endless opportunities and career paths. If you’re considering a career in technology, you face a fundamental choice: Should you opt for DevOps, or explore alternatives? Let’s navigate these options and consider which path might be right for you.

The Allure of DevOps

Let’s begin with DevOps, a discipline that combines development and operations to deliver software efficiently. DevOps is exciting, offers significant growth potential, and is in high demand in the industry. If you love automation, problem-solving, and working in teams, DevOps might be a tempting path.

The Challenge of Continuous Learning

However, an essential aspect of DevOps is continuous learning. As technologies evolve, DevOps engineers must stay up-to-date. This may require time outside of working hours and a constant commitment to skill improvement. Don’t forget this !!

Exploring Alternatives

On the other hand, the world of technology offers a variety of options. You can consider roles in software development, cybersecurity, data analysis, artificial intelligence, and more. Each of these fields has its own set of challenges and rewards.

The Importance of Your Passions and Skills

The choice between DevOps and alternatives should be based on your interests and skills. Are you passionate about cybersecurity? Perhaps cybersecurity is your path. Are you drawn to programming? Software development might be your best choice. Evaluate your strengths and weaknesses and consider what aspects you enjoy most in technology.

The Flexibility of Your Career

It’s important to remember that your initial choice doesn’t have to be permanent. Technology is a flexible field, and you can change your course as you discover more about your preferences and goals. Many technology professionals have shifted specialties throughout their careers.

My humble opinion

Ultimately, the choice between DevOps and technology alternatives is a personal decision. Assess your interests, skills, and willingness for continuous learning. No matter which path you choose, technology will remain an exciting and ever-changing field.

So, go ahead, and navigate with confidence in this sea of technological opportunities. Whether you opt for DevOps or explore other paths, your technological journey will be an adventure filled with discoveries and professional growth, and good luck with your choice!

Getting into DevOps and its future, personal opinion.

DevOps is basically making the work of developers and operations automated more efficient and seamless, right? And since we have like a separate role as a DevOps engineer, basically what you do, the main responsibility is to take what developers have created and seamlessly in the most automated efficient, fast, secure, whatever way basically release it to the end users, right? So the whole process of taking that coded application, putting it on the end environment, and making it accessible to the end users in a secure way, in a highly performant available way, that’s the main responsibility of DevOps.

If you want to get into DevOps, you can use the software development entry as a first point, and then, even as a junior software developer, you can start transitioning into DevOps, because you would have enough foundational knowledge as a “prerequisite” to start learning the things that you need in DevOps.

DevOps is still relatively like, compared to other IT fields I would say relatively young, and there are a lot of things going on, there like a lot of dynamics, and you could see like a lot of different technologies that are being developed and invented for different use cases, or like problems that you have in the DevOps projects. And you also have like a lot of similar technologies developed in the same area, which is actually a sign of the fact that there is no one standardized solution for that. So I believe that the market trend, and the way that in the direction where DevOps is going to be developing, will be to standardize the processes more. To have like a few sets of tools that most of the projects, like 90% or maybe even more projects, will use. And all the rest of the technologies will just disappear because there has to be one winner in each category, so I think that’s going to be the trend versus now, where you have like ten or more different tools to choose from which are super similar for the same task, and then you have this thing, because none of them is super standardized, and the one that is mostly used, so you have to choose between them and evaluate them all the time.

But I think it’s going to standardize a lot more, and generally DevOps, because it’s becoming mainstream already, and we see that, that DevOps itself is going to become more clearly defined, and there will be like more clarity from the companies, what they expect from a DevOps engineer, where is the line between developer and DevOps engineer, where is the line between operations and DevOps.

I think that’s going to be in like, maybe four or five years, we’ll see that kind of standardization.